Archives for General

How do Leaders grow business opportunities during COVID times?

How do Leaders grow business opportunities during harsh and unforgiving COVID times? Conversational Intelligence® can pave the way. Featured in this Blog is an image of ‘sandstone-like’ Faces.  The impressive 2.5 metre artwork enhances the side of a building on a street corner. I photographed it because I was drawn to the range of human expressions.  For this Blog, I feel the artwork emphasises how we bring different things to the conversation.  Sharing insights as a Team Coach I thought I’d share some insights as a Team Coach.  They ‘hone in’ on simple evidence-based principles and activities for top meetings which
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What I am learning about myself during COVID-19

Right now we may not be our best self, and maybe we’re also a bit up and down in our moods.   I share this blog to encourage each of us to ‘lighten our load’ by sharing with our ‘tribe’ the way we truly feel during such unprecedented times. Learning 1 – Amidst Complex and Unprecedented Change I take more and more comfort in the power of our collective heart. This blog was written on 5th June.  It is amidst NZ’s collective sigh of relief from 14 consecutive virus-free days – free, that is from any new COVID-19 cases. By
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Keep Calm and Carry On amidst COVID-19

      Keep Calm and Carry On amidst COVID-19 These sure are unprecedented and uncertain times.  With all of this giving that we’re doing, I figured a blog about mind and body self-care would be a useful complement.  So I thought I’d share some practices. These practices are really helping me to observe what is going on without being panicked by it, and still do good work .  What is self-care Self-care is the building block for keeping well and calm during these times.  Self-care includes good habits of looking after oneself.  Good habits include getting: regular exercise, enough sleep,
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Lost your Mojo? How to regain Your Mojo and be at the top of your game

Lost your Mojo?  Used informally in business Mojo means ‘influence, especially magical power’ [].  Regaining your Mojo means regaining your confidence, energy, enthusiasm, with a consequent increase in influence. [For a definition of influence see ] A powerful way to regain our Mojo is by reflecting upon what energises us and with some creativity, figuring out how we are able to do more of that in our role.  This can be through fine-tuning ‘the how and the who’  of our role activities to be more in keeping with our talents, joys and values. Clients usually report they get a
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The Benefits of Celebration at the Workplace

  Celebration literally wires us for Success! The benefits of Celebration are many: it is good for us and builds thriving workplaces. What is Celebration Celebration brings people together in a more relaxed, open way and  means praise and appreciation for a positive event.  It can range from praise for a ‘win’, to remembering someone’s birthday or anniversary.  Celebrations can be small or big, brief or long, one-off or a positive ritual/habit.  And Celebration doesn’t have to be ‘ra-ra’. Some examples are: celebrating employees’ birthdays with words and a cake celebrating the successful completion of a major project and at
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Creating an Engaged Culture

Creating an Engaged Culture is a ‘slow burn’ and the result of a lot of different things. Cultural change is complex and does not follow a linear path.  Ultimately the stakeholders vote with their feet.  David Snowden provides evidence that ultimately stakeholders will decide, despite our actions as leaders. []   1) Culture is complex and adaptive Have You ever felt that the ROI from your efforts was not delivering the desired impact? During a coaching conversation, Emily, a senior leader, pondered: ‘We’ve got many things going in our Employee Engagement space.  But our vibe still feels silo, and competitive’. 
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Top Performance Means Self-accountability

Our top performance as a leader is the result of doing what we say we will do, 100% of the time.  Good leaders lead themselves first.  Doing what you say you’re going to do 100% of the time comes from a deep commitment to do your best every day.  It must be authentic and consistent.  Therefore, it’s not something that you can mandate in others and it happens.  When we get frustrated that others are not delivering, we need to look at our own hit rates first.   If we’re honest, some of us are really good at doing what
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Formula for Executives for Top Performance

I have worked with quite a few executives this year who say they are experiencing symptoms of stress and anxiety: unable to focus, tired before they start the work day, worried about what could happen.  Their mojo seems ‘lost’ and they are far from enjoying Top Performance. The trouble is ‘getting more done in less time with fewer resources’ is often seen as optimal productivity.  However, it also leads to cramming things in, quick transitions and being transactional which is great, if you’re a hamster.  For nearly a decade, I was paid to get as many 6-minute chargeable units as
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