Lost your Mojo? How to regain Your Mojo and be at the top of your game

Lost your Mojo?  Used informally in business Mojo means ‘influence, especially magical power’ [https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/mojo].  Regaining your Mojo means regaining your confidence, energy, enthusiasm, with a consequent increase in influence. [For a definition of influence see https://snelgrove.co.nz/why-is-being-influential-important/ ] A powerful way to regain our Mojo is
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Creating an Engaged Culture

Creating an Engaged Culture is a ‘slow burn’ and the result of a lot of different things. Cultural change is complex and does not follow a linear path.  Ultimately the stakeholders vote with their feet.  David Snowden provides evidence that ultimately stakeholders will decide, despite
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Why is Being Influential Important?

Being influential is the foundation of all leadership success. Developing one’s influence potential is the first step effective leaders take to create the shifts that are necessary in an organisation to sustain long-term performance and growth. In other words, leaders need to be influential first,
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